By Aidan Wyber

Diffuse coasters all have a unique engraving. This pattern is generated by a custom software that simulates a diffusion reaction. This type of chemical reaction is prevalent in nature and can be seen in the spots on leopards and in the patterns of some fish. The coasters are made from high-grade HPL that is easily cleaned.


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The BlueDot foundation helps students from the Delft University of Technology to bring their products to the market. BlueDot links conceptual work from students to the market. For and by students. The foundation functions as platform and as design label.


Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft, Netherlands

ROOM C-2-350


Trade Name: Stichting BlueDot
BTW: NL8180 20 301 B01
IBAN: NL57 INGB 0005 1890 76


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