BlueDot Board
Run a small design label for and by students. The BlueDot foundation helps students from the Delft University of Technology to bring their products to the market. We link conceptual work from students to the market.
Choose to develop skills relating to marketing, sales, coaching, production techniques or daily executive tasks.
7 students of the faculty of Industrial Design at TU Delft
8h per week (1 academic year)
6 ECTS for your MSc Electives at IDE
Committee: Design Competition
Not interested in the BlueDot board, but still want to do something? Perhaps the BlueDot Design Competition committee is something for you.
This committee is responsible for setting up a Design Competition, including: defining a theme; organizing workshops, acquiring jury members and sponsorships. More information about the competition itself can be found here.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!
4 (bachelor) students of the faculty of Industrial Design at TU Delft
4h per week (September - April)
Board positions
The chair represents BlueDot towards organisations and at events. You will also lead meetings, sign contracts and make sure the BlueDot team stays enthusiastic.
The secretary is often the first point of contact of BlueDot and thus ultimately connects people. You will also support the chair and make minutes of the meetings.
The treasurer is in charge of all financial aspects of BlueDot. You precisely keep track of all earnings and expenses to make sure BlueDot keeps existing.
The production managers are responsible for the running design projects. You will support our designers, keep in touch with producers and are always looking for new projects.
As marketing you watch over the promotion of BlueDot. You control all elements of BlueDot’s appearance in order to reach students, companies and customers.
The sales manager maintains all sales channels. You also make sure our product portfolio is up to date and are ultimately responsible for our warehouse.
The deadline to apply for the BlueDot board is on the 20th of May. In order to apply you have to send us an email at including your motivation and your CV. We expect your motivation to be around 200 to 300 words in which you explain why you want to participate in the next board. We would also like to know what your first and second preferred board positions are and why these positions fit you well. We are looking forward to your email!
If you just want some extra information or would like to speak with one of the current board members about their experiences, please fill in the form down below. We will contact you as soon as possible!
Whatsapp us
+316 19 28 91 32
Pass by our office
ROOM C-2-350
Landbergstraat 15
2628 CE Delft
Email us